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=== About Me ===
Hi, I am Purplebored, o/ also known as Niko. Right now you are on my own little website which i call my home on the World Wide Web.
I like making websites like this. And I am also somewhat of a privacy advocate. I am Speaking Polish and English but i am learning Russian. Regarding programing i currently only know basic HTML but i am planning to start learning C++ soon! From other stuff i also know some Linux!(Not much but enough to daily drive it)
=== Stuff I am self hosting: ===
My Private Pastebin instance.
My Private Zerobin instance.
A LibreSpeed instance using a server located in Warsaw.
A Directory Lister where I share some of my files.
=== My Projects ===
A list of guides on how to use XMPP, IRC, PGP, etc.
=== Cool Stuff ===
Yeah there is not a lot of cool stuff on here lol.